Friday 6 November 2015

The Dream Team

Weed Out Bad Hires

Whether it is industrial jobs in India or hardware jobs in India, hiring managers do take note of the bad influences while hiring, they try and weed out the usual suspects, the office bullies top the list, followed by jerks and the energy vampires. The primary reason is they go all out to drain productivity, forcing you to go for the third cup of coffee that you would inevitably reach out for just to face the prospect of going to office. They would seem to be just about everywhere and it is imperative to stop them in their tracks before they set roots and spoil the atmosphere of any office.

Employee Satisfaction

This is an ideal kind of a situation, the reality is mixed and employee job satisfaction and their engagement hinge to a great extent on their relationships with their co workers. May be our coworkers are not as bad as we make them out to be. If we examine closely our definition of co workers we find certain types of people can be particularly beneficial, hiring managers and recruiters need to take particular note as these people and usher them into the organization. Certain types of co-workers can definitely make your work life a whole lot better when they come together as a part of the dream team, do check this out while looking for jobs in puneor jobs in gurgaon.

The advocate

When we try to identify personality patterns we find a breed of stalwarts serving the cause of the organization make work a breeze. Amongst them are the integrators who happen to understand the broader context of issues that help in bringing people together for extraordinary accomplishment whether it is corporate planning jobs in India or hr jobs in India. Then we have innovators who bring a fresh set of eyes to the workplace and apply them to various work situations. Again you have the advocates, who are fearless in putting forth their frank opinions and viewpoints pertaining themselves and their team members in the best interests of their organization.


The bridge, another breed of team members, can be found anywhere in the hierarchy are a great hit with the team because of their networking skills which come in handy to connect you with people and information as and when you need them. For new ideas all you need to do is head on to the nearest pioneer team member, their specialty is they easily adapt to multiple environments, see and offer different perspectives completing the dream team. Try and go for such a company when you happen to job search in India, working there would be a real pleasure.
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1 comment:

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