Thursday 30 April 2015

UNIVERSE JOBS - The fastest growing Job Search Engine for Job Seekers and employers

The fastest growing Job Search Engine for Job Seekers and employers

  1.          We help people all over the world hire and get hired 
  2.          Find the perfect match
  3.            Provide the best job search experience on the internet 
  4.           Help job seekers discover new opportunities
  5.      Employers find top talent for their businesses  to grow

Universe jobs offer a fast and easy way for qualified candidates to check job listings. The web based platform employs special tools enabling companies to increase their outreach and connect with candidates for their varied job requirements. The idea is to enable companies build a global pool of the brightest candidates on the internet. We have embarked on a mission of helping you find the dream candidate you are after.

We go all out to help employees find their dream job. The portal has all the tools and resources you need to take your career to the next level. Incredible job opportunities await you which match your skill set. Lots of hard work goes into making the most relevant job search results available with keyword optimized algorithms across a wide range of job categories and industries.

You get the best career advice whether starting out as a fresh graduate, or seeking a mid-level career change the portal has something new to offer every day. The job search engine adds value to the user experience by offering resume advice, interview tips, and salary negotiation skills, besides alerting the end user to the costly mistakes one can easily avoid and the potential pitfalls that you may encounter on the way.
One can conduct an efficient job search by various industries, work positions or filter employment opportunities by income levels. The unique design of the portal streamlines the hiring process in a time – efficient manner.

With our commitment to potential employers we have been able to attract
many companies and assisted them successfully in fulfilling their hiring related requirements by making available the best talent in the market place. This has considerably helped their businesses grow and flourish which in turn has opened avenues for your to advance in your career professionally and personally with well paying jobs and enormous work opportunities.

Bedsides curating and distributing the open jobs we tap into a handful of other sources too, to bring you jobs others are not even aware of. It takes special skills and aptitude to tap into the hidden job market by employing networking skills and benefiting from them.

Wednesday 29 April 2015


A job seekers website is a key resource that will take you closer to your dream job. It is one of the best places to go for help and advice, even when social media is central to your career advancement efforts.

 The job seekers website is immensely useful in shortening your job search with its advanced profile matching techniques thus helping you land the job right away. These days we are witnessing a paradigm shift in the manner we communicate, share or access information even the way we manage our workloads. For people wondering where to find a job social media is the perfect place, it is the new approach for people who find job seekers website old hat; many people find the new media to be extremely impactful.

The online hiring landscape perfectly answers the perennial question of where to find a job. Job se
ekers today are smart enough in choosing the right tool, job boards or the ever widening reach of interactive social media and leverage them to their own advantage very well. And a combining the two surely is a win - win combination as it helps in casting a wider net for more finding and securing more opportunities.

Looking For A Job

People who have been in the full time workforce for a decent amount of time have witnessed incredible job markets; during a booming economy you may witness people getting multiple offers with very little effort on their part. Then there are times when one gets to witness slow markets and at other times come across exceptionally difficult scenarios.
During the lean phase even adequately experienced people with very good education behind them find it difficult to land or keep jobs. It is only natural then for people to look towards external forces responsible for the ups and downs in the job market.
We then need to devise actionable ways and means that can be taken to land that job regardless of a weak or robust market.
To put things into perspective, for any given individual looking for a job the unemployment rate at a given point of time is in the bracket of zero to hundred percentile. The moot point is either you have a job at the present time or you don’t.
Moving forward shun the notion that a given job is beyond your reach. At the same time do not blame your degree or the lack of it, your location from the work place, the advertised job opportunities. As they say when the going is tough the tough get going, now instead of adopting a laidback attitude where you vest your job search control in your school, career / recruitment services or your professors you need to adopt a proactive approach to the whole thing and we are going to show you how.
At the onset let me assure you that to successfully conduct a job search you do not need a specific degree or very specific technology. Harnessing social media and certain technological tools would suffice. To be successful though, you need to take a structured approach, certain actionable steps and the steely willingness to see through the entire process.
Anyone can adopt the following steps and emerge success

ful at the end of it.
1.       Identify your target job type
2.       Position yourself competently
3.       Research and find out the needs of the employers
4.       Network with prospective employers
5.       Stay motivated, organized and focused during your job search
6.       Negotiate and seal the offer
Always remember your life dictates your job search and not vice versa, so looking for a job needs to be just that, enjoy your life beyond that, only then would you be able to devote your 100% at work.